
Tips for serving a perfect gazpacho

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The way of serving gazpacho may influence the level of satisfaction. It can be alone or accompanied but always cold. As it is a traditional summer dish, temperature is of outmost importance because flavour and freshness may change.


Andalusian gazpacho is served cold but not frozen. If we want to keep the natural flavour of ingredients intact, keep it between 0 and 8 degrees. In this way, we avoid two things: appearing stronger aromas of gazpacho because of high temperature and hiding the flavour of vegetables because of excess cold.


Some people add cold water or ice to gazpacho. This is not recommended because it alters gazpacho qualities. We recommend you to take gazpacho out of the fridge just when serving it to have its appropriate point of coldness. Then, you can enjoy this delicious recipe.


Gazpacho smooth texture is obtained by mixing all the ingredients thoroughly. After the mixing process, you can also strain the mixture through a sieve. Shake the package of Solfrío Andalusian gazpacho before serving in order to mix flavours of vegetables and those flavours appear when opening the cap. In this way we can better taste its texture.



The container gazpacho is served affects not only the dish presentation but also temperature and flavour.

The level of satisfaction after having gazpacho is also different. It all depends on the treatment of gazpacho in our menu. It is to say, if we want it as a main dish, snack or energy drink. If we eat gazpacho the way it was traditionally done, serve it in an earthenware dish to stay fresh and cold.

Which are your tips for serving a perfect gazpacho?

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