
Find out three original ways of eating gazpacho

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Gazpacho is a traditional dish that may vary depending on its preparation and serving. An original decoration of the dish or combined with other food may create different sensations of a same gazpacho. If you want to impress your guests, please read this post in which three different ways of having gazpacho are described.

First, you have to question yourself: to what extent do I want to impress my guests? These are the styles we have defined for you.

Cocktail style: use a medium-size glass with smooth lines for gazpacho colour to get through the glass. This type of glass is ideal for serving your guests a refreshing drink with a modern and light touch. You can put a slice of cucumber at the rim of the glass for decoration.


You can also serve Andalusian gazpacho in shot glasses with peppermint leaves or chives. This can be used as a sorbet between meat and fish dishes.


Tropical style: The most daring presentation. For this presentation, add grated apple and peeled shrimps, which have been previously sautéed with a little chilli pepper, to gazpacho. Put all the ingredients on the base of the glass and then add the gazpacho. You will achieve two different effects: a bittersweet taste in the mouth when mixing gazpacho and apple and a different texture.

Traditional style: gazpacho has always been served in a ceramic bowl to maintain the recipe freshness. If you want to reinforce the traditional style, you can mix two traditional gastronomy products: gazpacho and cured ham. Dice the Iberian ham and put it in the gazpacho. Another tasty option is to add chopped hard boiled egg.


For a thicker dish, add some little pieces of bread to gazpacho to obtain a contrast of textures and flavours. If you add multigrain crusty bread, the result will be so crunchy!!

There are so many different tastes! Choose yours! The main thing is that you enjoy trying different ways of presenting Andalusian gazpacho.

Do you have any ideas for an original presentation?

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